Serenity Station, Eternal Empire
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Alliance Rules on Kicking Members

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Alliance Rules on Kicking Members Empty Alliance Rules on Kicking Members

Post by Carlus Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:51 am

Member Ejection Act - June 2009

The Imperial Parliament of Planets,

Expressing congratulation to the Government for their service to the control of unsatisfactory members,

Deeply Concerned of the lack of specific requrements for the removal of a member from the Empire,

Aware that interpretation of kickable offenses by a government member is undemocratic and susceptible to corruption and favouritism,

Reminds the Imperial Parliament that the lack of clear rules and regulations of membership is detrimental to the order and wellbeing of the alliance,

Thus believing that further legislation is required to specify kickable offenses,

  • Calls upon government members to put impartialty first in deciding on the explusion of a member,
  • Authorises the use of kicking for the following offenses:
    - Spamming
    - Spying
    - Hacking
    - Spread of Malicious Software(viruses)
    - 10 days of unofficial leave(inactivity),

  • With deep regret, authorises the use of kicking when the said member is a threat to alliance security.


Imperial Parliament of Planets,
Emperor Eternal.

Number of posts : 142
Location : Edinburgh, UK
Points : 587
Reputation : 6
Registration date : 2009-01-01

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